
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test provides the imaging of your internal organs without using any harmful radiation. It uses radio waves in the magnetic field formed with a strong magnet. Our MR device has the power of 1,5 Tesla.

Computerized Tomography (CT) – 2 x 64 Multislice

Computerized tomography enables the detailed-slice visualization of your body by using x-rays. There is a computerized tomography with a multislice system which can take 64 slices in our hospital. Thanks to this developed device, the 3 dimensional, detailed imaging of body organs is obtained and the non-invasive (bloodless) angiography can be done.

Ultrasonography (US) and Doppler US

Ultrasonography enables the detailed-slice imaging of your body by using sound waves.

Interventional Radiology (DSA)

In recent years, the concept of ‘Interventional Radiology’ is a next specialist branch of the Radiological Specialty which finds an application area in the world at the same time with our country. In a group of patients diagnosed with the radiological devices, it has contained a set of medical applications which will be done in company with these devices. These applications are related to the vessels; in addition, they may be in some extra vessel structures. All the applications can be done in Antalya Olimpos Hospital with DSA device having the latest technology in the hands of specialists.

The widening methods (Ballon Angioplasty) for all kinds of narrowness, which are related to the vessels, to the fixation of the intravenous prosthesis which will be applied in the pressing or narrowness with a ragged edge (Stent), to the opening of the occlusion in total occlusions (Thrombolytic Treatment) or to the applications such as Atherectomy, Laser Angioplasty, are operations which can be done with the angiography devices. In some types of the myoma, the dimensions of the myoma can be diminished through the applications done for the vessels that nourish the myoma. Similarly, applying the occlusive applications is possible by getting through these vessels with their special catheters for some widening in the brain vessels (Aneurysm) or flocculation (AVM). This type of interventions can be realized in veins, as well. For example, the fixation of filter preventing the clots in legs from reaching to the lung can be accounted among these.

Furthermore, the mammography, bone densitometer, and conventional radiological applications can also be done in our radiology unit.
